Jun 29 2016

NM KIDS are COUNTing on Us: A Campaign for a Better New Mexico

2021-08-27T13:49:23-06:00Economic Security Publications, Education Publications, Health Publications, Kids Count Publications, Publications|

Policy Agenda For the third straight year, New Mexico ranks 49th in the nation for child well-being. It will take a comprehensive and focused set of strategies, and the political and public will to make them a reality, to improve child well-being in New Mexico. This policy agenda, based on the metrics used to measure child well-being in the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s annual KIDS COUNT Data Book, offers one such approach.

Jun 21 2016

New Mexico’s 2012-2016 KIDS COUNT profiles

2021-08-30T14:55:17-06:00Kids Count Publications, Local Data, Publications|

State Data Sheet In 2012, the Annie E. Casey Foundation changed the indicators used in its annual KIDS COUNT ranking of the 50 states on child well-being. The 16 indicators that were chosen are divided into four domains: economic well-being, education, health, and family and community. This fact sheet looks at New Mexico's rankings over the last fours years and links to rankings going back to 1990. (KIDS COUNT state profile; state-level data on indicators of child well-being)

Apr 25 2016

Parental incarceration takes a devastating toll on kids

2021-08-30T14:59:02-06:00Kids Count Publications, Local Data, Publications, Racial and Ethnic Equity Publications|

Fact Sheet Having a parent incarcerated is a traumatic experience that can be along the same magnitude as abuse, domestic violence, and divorce. It also often adds to the generational pull of poverty. This fact sheet, created for the release of the national KIDS COUNT report A Shared Sentence includes New Mexico-specific data. (State-level data on incarceration)

Jan 19 2016

2015 KIDS COUNT in New Mexico

2023-02-14T13:33:04-07:00Kids Count Publications, Publications, Racial and Ethnic Equity Publications|

NM KIDS COUNT Data Book While child poverty is down slightly, New Mexico now leads the nation with the highest rate of child poverty. This annual KIDS COUNT report on child well-being presents data by county, tribal area, and school district on indicators such as the rates of health care coverage among children, preschool enrollment, child abuse, and teen births. It also tracks trends on some of these important indicators and looks at disparities across racial and ethnic lines. (State-, county-, tribal-, and school-district-level data on indicators of child well-being, some by race and ethnicity)

Sep 24 2015

Why So Many Parents Can’t Put Enough Food on the Table

2021-08-27T14:20:27-06:00Economic Security Publications, Health Publications, Kids Count Publications, Local Data, Publications|

Presentation Looks at the economic issues around food insecurity, presents some data on child well-being from the 2015 national KIDS COUNT Data Book, as well as offers some policy solutions. Presented at the Second Annual End Hunger in New Mexico Summit. (State-level data on economic security and child well-being)

Sep 21 2015

Child Well-Being in New Mexico: Data and Policy Recommendations

2021-08-26T13:59:21-06:00Kids Count Publications, Publications, Tax and Budget Publications|

Presentation Looks at KIDS COUNT and other data on some of the areas where New Mexico does poorly in terms of child well-being. Looks briefly at how recession-era spending cuts and a regressive tax system have exacerbated conditions, and offers some policy recommendations to address them. Presented to the Legislative Health and Human Services Committee. (State-level data on indicators of child well-being)

Mar 11 2015

Investments in Early Childhood Care and Education

2021-08-27T15:58:32-06:00Education Publications, Kids Count Publications, Local Data, Publications|

County Data Sheets How much is the state spending on the early childhood care and education services that will improve outcomes for children and how does the sending breakdown by county? These KIDS COUNT fact sheets look at state investments in home visiting, child care assistance, NM Pre-K, and K-3 Plus, and more. (State- and county-level data on early childhood programs and some population demographics)

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