Economic Security And Prosperity Blog2023-06-14T09:31:30-06:00

Economic Security & Prosperity Blog

Apr 052022

Time to evict discriminatory rental practices

Those who use assistance to pay their rent may have difficulty finding a landlord who will rent to them. Sadly, this blatant discrimination is entirely legal in many places. Albuquerque is looking to change that and kick housing discrimination to the curb.

Feb 142022

New Mexico must act now to help keep families housed

Our families and communities are safer and can thrive best when everyone has a warm, healthy place to live. However, as many as 80,000 New Mexicans are at risk of eviction – that’s equivalent to almost the entire population of Sante Fe. Worse, approximately 16 families get evicted every day in the state.

Feb 022022

Data shows New Mexico families struggle with basic expenses

Albuquerque Journal--New Mexico’s leaders have taken many actions to protect and support children and families through this uncertainty, including hunger relief funding, emergency economic relief for those left out of federal stimulus payments, a new paid-sick-leave policy, and an increase and expansion of the Working Families Tax Credit, which will put money in the hands of families who will spend it quickly and locally to provide for their children’s basic needs.

Jan 202022

A fair and equitable recovery starts with supporting women of color

New Mexico In Depth--In this legislative session, New Mexico Voices for Children will be asking lawmakers to put families with children first in policymaking. High on the list of policies that will help ensure a just recovery and equitable opportunities for all families are enacting a state-level CTC, with families facing the biggest economic challenges seeing the biggest benefits.

Mar 152021

The HB 291 tax package will make our tax system more racially equitable

Like other public policy, tax policy can either advance or hinder racial and ethnic equity. It is never race-neutral. As the legislative session enters its final week, one important tax bill - HB 291 - is still being debated. There are numerous reasons to support (it raises revenue and makes our tax system more stable, among others), but one reason has particular meaning in a state where people of color comprise the majority of the population. This blog explains.

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