Healthy and Safe Communities Publications2023-06-14T09:33:58-06:00

Healthy & Safe Communities Publications

Nov 252019

Only Wealthy Immigrants Need Apply: The Chilling Effects of “Public Charge”

Policy Brief The Trump Administration is trying to change an immigration rule that would harm families and children -- even those family members and kids who are U.S. citizens. This policy brief, co-released with the Fiscal Policy Institute of New York, takes a look at how changes to "public charge" would harm families and New Mexico's economy. (State-level data on fiscal and economic impacts of federal rule change.)

Aug 252019

Promoting a Culture of Health in the Early Childhood Education and Care Department

Policy Brief Establishing New Mexico’s new Early Childhood Education and Care Department (ECECD) is a singular opportunity to provide the strong building blocks to success that can help ensure all New Mexico children can grow into their best possible selves. This policy brief includes recommendations for guiding principles and organizational and programmatic policies.

Aug 192019

Valuing Families at Work

Report New Mexicans are working hard every day to provide a brighter future for their families and our state. When they or their child gets sick, they should be able to take care of themselves or their family with the assurance that they won’t lose wages or risk their livelihood to do so. (State- and some county-level data on share of workers without sick leave.)

Aug 132019

New Mexico is Getting a New Solution to Dental Care

Fact Sheet In 2019 the state Legislature passed a bill allowing dental therapists to practice in New Mexico. We are the 8th state to allow dental therapists to practice. What does this mean for you? Find out in this English/Spanish fact sheet.

Apr 082019

Policy, Advocacy, and Child Well-being in New Mexico

Presentation Most people do not associate taxes with health, but there is a definite connection -- and it goes beyond raising enough revenue to pay for health care programs like Medicaid. What we tax, who pays the most, and who benefits are all aspects that impact a family's financial security, which in turn, impacts where they can live, what kind of food they can afford to purchase, and more.

Feb 052019

New Mexico’s Working Families Tax Credit and the Federal Earned Income Tax Credit

Report Tax credits for low- and moderate-income working families are a common-sense way to spur economic activity by putting money into the hands of consumers who will spend it. They have also been shown to improve health outcomes. These are just some of the reasons New Mexico should increase its Working Families Tax Credit. (State-, county- and legislative district-level data on who claims the WFTC and how much they receive)

Jan 152019

2018 KIDS COUNT Data Book

NM KIDS COUNT Data Book After ten years of austerity, New Mexico has fallen to last in the nation in child well-being. The state also lost a lawsuit claiming that it is not meeting its constitutional obligation when it comes to public education. It's time to change course. This annual publication reports the latest data on child well-being in New Mexico to help us choose the path forward. (State-, county-, tribal-, and school district-level data on indicators of child well-being; data by race and ethnicity where available)

Dec 132018

New Mexico Should NOT Tax Food

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Infographic/Fact Sheet Some legislators have introduced bills that would put the state's sales tax (the gross receipts tax, or GRT) on food purchased at the grocery store. This is a bad idea -- even if it's done as part of an effort to lower the overall GRT rate. With New Mexico's high rates of food insecurity and poverty, a tax on food will hurt even those families who receive SNAP, because these benefits are not intended to meet a family's entire food need. (State-level data on food insecurity, SNAP usage, trade-offs families must make, and an opinion poll on the issue.)

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